David Clark Co Inc

360 Franklin Street
Worcester, MA 01615-0054

About David Clark Co Inc

Vehicle and marine intercom systems with headsets-radio interface at selected locations. Heavy duty headsets and adapters for portable and mobile radios. Hearing protectors with certified noise reduction ratings. Sound/voice powered communication systems. New magnesium ultralight headsets now available.

Competitors of David Clark Co Inc

Eartec Co.

The Eartec Company began in 1961 as a supplier of portable wired intercoms to High School and College football coaches. Now, 60 years later, Eartec is a leading manufacturer of rugged, yet affordable communication equipment designed specifically for the construction marketplace. Full Duplex... Read More

The DOLPHIN Comms technology cancels the direct blasts of the transmitted signal at the receiver allowing the transmitter and receiver to be operating simultaneously and continuously. Offering a wide range of new features and capabilities, DOLPHIN Comms enables any size team of vehicles... Read More