Action Machinery Co Inc

2320 Highland Avenue
Bethlehem, PA 18020

About Action Machinery Co Inc

With hundreds of state-of-the-art machines under power in our 70,000 square foot showroom, we can deliver your machine to you within a few days rather than waiting for several months.

In addition to our large inventory, we have a highly skilled and knowledgeable staff with over 215 years of combined machine tool experience. We will take the time to match you with the perfect machine to fit your needs…and your budget.

Action Machinery also sells parts for all our new machines and a complete line of machine tool accessories. Our outstanding service department will provide you with the highest level of support to ensure that your new machine runs well for years to come.

Competitors of Action Machinery Co Inc

Finish Guard™ Flame-Retardant NFPA 701 Temporary Deck Covering products are brought to you by Zambetti Associates, Inc. Our products are designed to protect building and marine finishes, deck covering, etc., from damage during overhaul, repair and maintenance. We offer both Flame-Retardant and... Read More

Soundcoat Company

Our Soundfoam M is designed for marine applications. Oil and gas resistant with ultra violet stability, this product has a hydrolytic stability 5 times that of other urethane foams making it ideal for cabin areas and engine room applications Read More

The World Leader in Quality Life Rafts Read More