Bordelon Marine

682 Thompson Rd
Houma, LA

About Bordelon Marine

Bordelon Marine offers a full range of services including: loop run delivery, construction support, exploration, production, vessel management to third-party owners, vessel/equipment brokerage, ROV services, topside mobilization and fabrication management.

Competitors of Bordelon Marine

Vard Marine

Vard Marine is a consulting naval architecture and marine engineering company with American operations located in Houston, Texas and Canadian operations located in Vancouver and Ottawa. The company offers professional ship design, engineering, and shipbuilding technology services to our clients.... Read More

Finish Guard™ Flame-Retardant NFPA 701 Temporary Deck Covering products are brought to you by Zambetti Associates, Inc. Our products are designed to protect building and marine finishes, deck covering, etc., from damage during overhaul, repair and maintenance. We offer both Flame-Retardant and... Read More

Davie’s experienced staff offers shipowners a comprehensive capability to solve their operational and planned maintenance requirements. With a vast array of dry-docks and lay-by berths along with its engineering, steel, machining and other in-house ancillary services, Davie is perfectly suited... Read More