Royal Marine Insurance Group

8300 Executive Ctr Dr Ste 102
Miami, FL 33166

About Royal Marine Insurance Group

RMIG provides insurance and risk management services to safeguard the property and financial security of companies, individuals and families. Affiliated with the world's leading insurance markets, RMIG has earned the reputation of offering innovative and creative solutions. From initial consultation to complete administration, RMIG creates a portfolio designed to serve your global needs.

Competitors of Royal Marine Insurance Group

360 Coverage Pros Mariner Liability Insurance

360 Coverage Pros Mariner Liability Insurance

360 Coverage Pros offers one-of-a-kind digital insurance solutions providing marine license and liability coverage for individually licensed USCG officers. We also ensure maritime companies, groups, and fleets to protect their Merchant Mariner Credentialed captains and crew. Recruitment and... Read More

Longshore Insurance

Sterling Acceptance's team of experts specializes in marine lending, loan underwriting, US Coast Guard documentation and yacht insurance. Read More