Mariner's General Insurance Group

204 Riverside Ave
Newport Beach, CA 92663

About Mariner's General Insurance Group

Our more than 50 years of marine experience provides Mariners Insurance with the ability to offer commercial insurance to a diverse group of businesses in the maritime industry. This includes marine manufacturers who require special attention because of the operations they conduct and resulting exposures. We partner with leading, financial strong insurers to offer robust Property and Liability protection for marine manufacturing businesses backed by responsive claims service.

Competitors of Mariner's General Insurance Group

360 Coverage Pros Mariner Liability Insurance

360 Coverage Pros Mariner Liability Insurance

360 Coverage Pros offers one-of-a-kind digital insurance solutions providing marine license and liability coverage for individually licensed USCG officers. We also ensure maritime companies, groups, and fleets to protect their Merchant Mariner Credentialed captains and crew. Recruitment and... Read More

Longshore Insurance

Sterling Acceptance's team of experts specializes in marine lending, loan underwriting, US Coast Guard documentation and yacht insurance. Read More